Fortress After School is one of our longest-running programs, getting its start as Fortress Literacy Center in 2005. Since its inaugural year serving 12 students, we now serve nearly 70 students in PreK3-5th grade. Our students come from Van Zandt-Guinn Elementary, conveniently located just a few blocks from Fortress.

Students are picked up from the school at 3:20pm in the Fortress bus. Dinner is provided, and students must be picked up by 6:00.

While we offer a 4th-5th grade program, that enrollment is restricted to returning students who enrolled before they began 4th grade. A rare exception may be made for a 4th or 5th grade student who has younger siblings who are enrolling for the first time.

Students begin their afternoon by taking the Fortress bus from Van Zandt-Guinn to our facility, where they are greeted with a healthy after school meal. They enjoy time to talk with friends, decompress from a long day at school, and practice self-regulation techniques.

In the classroom, there is a shared academic focus on completing homework assignments and reading. Beyond that, Fortress teachers support school learning with engaging and hands-on activities such as art projects, science experiments, and outdoor learning. Students in need of extra academic support receive small group and one-on-one instruction from our on-staff reading intervention specialist, utilizing both technology and traditional teaching methods.

Supporting our faith-based foundation are weekly Bible lessons and evening worship. Students in PreK-3rd grade participate in Sunday School-style lessons that introduce them to the stories and messages in the Bible, while students in 4th and 5th grade dive deeper, making those stories and their messages practical and applicable through object lessons, service projects, and leadership challenges.

Plenty of time is allotted each week for outdoor play and games. Students are encouraged to build strong relationships with one another, and with staff and volunteers. They are also given opportunities to explore new talents and skills that may open doors for them in the future. Special events such as field trips and special interest clubs also make the program an enriching, fun experience for students.

Fortress’s program for 4th and 5th grade students is specially designed to prepare them for middle school, high school, and beyond. Students in the 4th and 5th grade are matched with an adult mentor who works with them one-on-one to develop meaningful and achievable goals for themselves, to explore interests, talents, and hobbies, and to develop their unique gifts that will help them succeed when they graduate from Fortress. Students are introduced to a variety of college and career pathways and are encouraged to explore all the avenues that spark their interest, and are also challenged to begin using those gifts to give back to their community through service projects and peer leadership at school and Fortress.

Like all of Fortress’s programs, After School is offered free-of-charge to families who live in our neighborhood and attend Van Zandt-Guinn Elementary School. In lieu of tuition, parents and guardians complete 12 hours of parent engagement and participate in two annual conferences to remain eligible for re-enrollment.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I enroll my child?

Fortress After School is open to children who attend Van Zandt-Guinn Elementary School. For information on how to enroll your child, click here.

When does the After School program run?

Fortress After School follows the Fort Worth ISD calendar. A precise calendar is available in each annual parent policy handbook.

Can I volunteer in After School?

Yes! Volunteers can serve in a one-time or ongoing capacity in the after school program. Specific volunteer opportunities can be found here, or you can contact us for more information.

Can my child participate in other extracurricular activities and still attend after school?

Students may only attend after school if they are picked up by our staff from the school, so they cannot come to Fortress after participating in other clubs or activities. We have a 75% attendance policy, so your child can participate in other activities an average of once a week and still maintain their eligibility to attend Fortress!