Fortress is proud to be a Texas Rising Star 4-star early learning center, the highest rating achievable. The Texas Rising Star program is a quality rating and improvement system (QRIS) for child care programs participating in the Texas Workforce Commission’s (TWC) Child Care Services program.

Numerous research studies have shown that children who attend higher-quality early learning programs are more prepared for school entry than children who do not attend high-quality programs. Early learning programs that achieve Texas Rising Star certification are in a better position to positively affect the physical, social-emotional, and cognitive development of children.

Fortress Preschool began in 2008 as a twice-weekly mother’s day out program of Fortress Church, serving children ages 18 months-4 years. Building Blocks, as it was called, was volunteer-run until 2016, when Fortress Preschool became licensed as a child care provider with the State of Texas. Because they shared space with Fortress After School, our preschool classes dismissed each day at 2:00 to make room for school-aged kids. A move to our new building in 2020 allowed us to expand Fortress Preschool to full-day care, and to accept infants as young as 6 weeks old - a long-held dream of our staff and the families we serve!

Fortress preschool students participate in both teacher- and child-directed activities which strengthen fine and gross motor skills, introduce early language and literacy skills, and promote healthy emotional and self-regulation skills. We operate with low ratios to meet the unique developmental and social-emotional needs of each child. All teachers participate in monthly professional development in the core competencies of early childhood education, with a special emphasis on cultural competency and trauma-informed caregiving. Our teachers provide a strong academic foundation through age-appropriate creative play, emergent literacy skills, and school readiness activities. Relying on structure with plenty of flextime for play and exploration, a typical day includes daily rituals (opening and closing circle times), centers (writing and math, arts, science, and dramatic play), outside time, and naptime. Birthdays and cultural holidays are celebrated monthly.

Outdoor play is an essential part of our preschool environment. Fortress’s students enjoy an enclosed natural playground designed by GreenSpace Learning, complete with sound boards, sand boxes, pull-up bars, tricycles, water tables, and more — plus, plenty of grass to run and play safely! Breakfast, lunch , and dinner are provided daily, prepared on-site to meet both the nutritional needs and the discerning palates of preschoolers.

Though our programs have historically been free-of-charge for parents who are working hard to break cycles of poverty and trauma, the current economic climate has led us to reimagine our funding structure. We are still committed to removing the significant childcare cost barrier that prevents low-income earners from being able to work. To that end, beginning in March 2025, Fortress will use a combination of CCMS eligibility and individual circumstances to determine tuition criteria on a sliding scale.

Families who are seeking an excellent preschool option for their children but who don’t qualify for CCMS are welcome to enroll as well. 30% of coveted classroom spots are designated for families whose tuition helps Fortress continue to meet its mission of “building bridges from poverty to promise”.

All Fortress preschool classrooms have an experienced Lead Teacher who has earned either a CDA (Child Development Associate) Credential or a bachelor’s degree in a relevant field. Assistant teachers provide classroom support and are mentored by their lead teachers. Assistant teachers who discover talent and passion for the field have the opportunity to pursue their CDA at no cost to them. Fortress is proud to provide this professional development opportunity.

In order to optimize our students’ school readiness, preschool teachers align their lessons with the Texas Infant, Toddler and Three-Year-Old Early Learning Guidelines and Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines. The weekly themes and learning objectives are adapted from CLI Engage’s CIRCLE PreK Curriculum, and incorporate developmentally appropriate practices to promote gross and fine motor skills, language and communication, and emergent reading and writing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can enroll at fortress preschool?

70% of spots in Fortress Preschool are prioritized for children who receive CCMS and who can commit to attending at least 75% of the time. Fortress provides scholarships for the balance of what CCMS doesn’t cover, so tuition is never an obstacle for parents who are working to achieve stability for their families. The remaining 30% of spots are open to families who can pay the posted tuition rates. All are welcome to apply..

By offering tuition-free childcare, we hope to enable parents of young children to achieve long-term stability by pursuing full-time employment or completing their education.

When does the Preschool program run?

Fortress Preschool is open from 8:00am until 5:30pm Monday-Friday year-round. During the school year, we follow the Fort Worth ISD calendar, including all major school holidays and bad weather days. When FWISD is closed for teacher in-service or “flex” days, Fortress Preschool closes at 2:00 to allow our own teachers an opportunity for professional development. A calendar is available in the annual parent policy handbook, and here.

Can I volunteer in Preschool?

Yes! Volunteers can serve in a one-time or ongoing capacity. Specific volunteer opportunities can be found here, or you can contact us for more information.