Fortress is currently accepting applications for our Spring 2024 Getting Ahead cohort. This 16-week workshop is open to Fortress parents who are striving to build stability and break cycles of poverty for the children. Utilizing Getting Ahead in a Just-Gettin’-By-World curriculum, this 16-session workshop helps individuals in poverty build their resources for a more prosperous life for themselves, their families, and their communities.

The Getting Ahead curriculum:

  • Involves rigorous work done in a safe learning environment with the support of an experienced facilitator (Chris Martin) and co-facilitator.

  • Enables participants, called “investigators,” to examine their own experience of poverty as well as explore issues in the community that impact poverty − banking, housing, jobs, transportation − providing critical information the community can use to take action to end poverty.

  • Guides investigators through an assessment of their own resources and how to build those resources as part of their move to self-sufficiency.

  • Puts the concepts, tools, and relationships in the hands of people in poverty to make a difference in their own lives and in the life of their community.

The goal of this 16-week program is to build confidence, increase opportunities to develop and expand resources, and to gain support from others who are on a similar path. Investigators will be paid a stipend of $25 at each session for their valuable work. Childcare and dinner is provided at each session. The sessions will take place on Wednesdays from 600-8:30 at our location: Fortress, 1007 E Terrell Ave, Fort Worth, 76104. 

Enrollment is limited to 12 participants. Participants must be willing to commit to the entire 16-week course.

Fill out my online form.