Director of Student Programs

Lindsey Smart began her role as Student Programs Coordinator in the summer of 2022 and was promoted to Director of Student Programs in the fall of 2023. Lindsey has a passion for problem solving classroom behaviors and teaching others how to meet behaviors with compassion and humility. She is drawn to group work and enjoys watching teachers grow deeper into their positions to best serve our students. Lindsey has been in the Title 1 public school sector for six years. During these six years she primarily worked with special needs children. A large focus of her experience has been with children who have endured childhood trauma. Creating behavior changes inside of the classroom that extend into application in all areas of a child's life is something that she is very passionate about.

Lindsey is a first generation, non-traditional student who is currently a junior at the University of North Texas. She is studying in their Applied Behavior Analysis program where she will earn her bachelor's degree and sit for board certification as a BCaBA. Lindsey is also earning her Trauma Informed Care certification while studying at UNT. She comes to Fortress after a year break from the education setting.

Lindsey says that she feels gratitude in every second spent on the Fortress leadership team and hopes to serve Historic Southside with us for many years to come. She also is very excited to grow in experience serving with a nonprofit.