Fortress Family Spotlight: Kamyron, Camri, and Kayden

Our families are the pinnacle of our "why", and oftentimes, we're blessed enough that they go from being a family at Fortress to a part of the Fortress family.

Meet Kamyron, a Fortress mom turned assistant teacher who credits a lot of the progression that's taken place in her and her children's life to getting much needed assistance from Fortress. From major milestones to an adjusted schedule that allows for her to spend quality time with her family, she's one of so many women who prove that if one has support, they can go so much further.

Both personally and professionally, Kamyron is more hopeful than ever. She realizes just how much she's capable of accomplishing with Fortress now a part of her village. She has two beautiful children who’ve been enrolled in Fortress Preschool since they were tiny. Kamryon has a story of resilience and persistence as she soon hopes to get her degree in Business Administration and work in healthcare. Let’s hear her story:

How did you find out about Fortress? 

I found out about Fortress from a family member. Camri was 6 weeks and Kayden was one years old. He actually started walking two days before he started school. It’s been the best move for my family. My kids have grown so much from being in this program.  

What’s been your experience as a Fortress parent? 

I love it. It’s been the assistance that I never knew I could have. I love being able to communicate with the teachers and seeing how my kids are doing. The hours are extremely helpful for the working parent. The pantry with fresh produce and shelf stable groceries is also a blessing.

What’s been your experience as an employee?

As a parent, I used to drop my kids off and never too much chat with the teachers. Since working here, I’ve met great people and have built relationships with my coworkers outside of Fortress. There’s been some tough moments. I’ve even grown as a parent and gained a lot of grace when it comes to interacting with different children. I’ve grown to have a different level of patience.

Working here also gave me a sense of relief when it came down to maintaining my schedule. Sometimes pickup and drop off got hard with my previous work schedule. I would stress out about a babysitter and now my day is aligned with my children.

What’s been the most impactful thing about being at Fortress?

I was once in a really tough spot and was able to reach out to a Fortress employee and get a referral for help that changed my life. At that time, I really didn’t know who to turn to, but I’m so glad I asked. To this very day, that call made a difference that I can’t explain and gave me an opportunity that I’m thankful for.

What’s something that most people wouldn’t know about you?

I love to sing. I love to worship in the church choir. I’m one of those people that will hum along throughout the day and not even know it, but someone around me will pick up on it.

What’s next after this?

While I’m in Fortress, I plan on finishing my degree and getting my Bachelor’s. I only have two years left. I’m really helpful and organized so I plan on getting my business degree and assisting in healthcare administration.

Anything else?

I would want the community to know that this is a great resource and a great opportunity to get help while you build yourself up. Since I started Fortress, I’ve been having blessings on blessings .
